As we approach the end of the year, we reflect on the progress of INCE Haiti.  To say that 2023 was a year filled with constraints is a gross understatement.  Haiti is faced with political instability and degenerative gang violence that has crippled the economy and made transport outside the capital, Port-au-Prince, practically impossible.  These constraints have placed enormous pressure on our ability to function within our projects.

However, despite these great challenges, we have managed to keep our Mother Tongue Bilingual Based Education (MTBBE) project running as well as we could have imagined.  During the month of August, we trained 24 teachers in 1st and 2nd grade, 12 school principals and four coaches on how to deliver our Creole-based curriculum.

We also successfully trained and conducted Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)  for all our 14 intervention schools as well as the partner schools. We distributed and printed a total of 2,641 books to 804 children and 48 teacher guides to 24 teachers. Given the country’s situation, getting the books to the students and teachers was a colossal effort. At present, we are organizing our second trimester training with the teachers, principals and coaches for January as well as beginning to gather information for PMEL that will help us with lessons learned and to determine the impact of our intervention.