In all cases, Woord en Daad Foundation complies with laws and regulation, including the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This implies in any case that we:

  • Ask for your permission if we need it for processing your personal data;
  • Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose it was intended for;
  • Process only the personal data which are minimally required;
  • Have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures, to guarantee the protection of your personal data;
  • Are aware of your rights regarding your personal data, remind you of them and respect them;
  • Do not share your personal data with other parties, unless this is necessary for the implementation of the purposes for which the data were provided.

As a foundation, we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions, after reading the Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy, please contact us via:

Woord en Daad Foundation
Spijksedijk 16-E
4207 GN Gorinchem

Privacy Officer
Frieda Mooij

T: +31 (0)183 – 611 800
E: or

Why do we process your data?

Your personal data are processed by Woord en Daad Foundation for the following purposes:

  • To communicate with you in a way that suits you (via e-mail/telephone/post);
  • Effective programmes to reduce poverty (including monitoring and evaluation within the programmes);
  • Connecting people worldwide;
  • Correct registration of donors and/or sponsors;
  • For advertising through social media or advertisements;
  • Settlement of donations and/or sponsoring
  • Sharing news items and other information from our side;
  • Promoting awareness in The Netherlands.

For the above-mentioned purposes, we may ask you for the following personal data: first name; middle name; last name; address; postal code; residence; phone number; date of birth; e-mail address; bank details; (web) location data; profession; visual and audio material of our meetings and events; pictures to be used with articles on Woord en Daad’s work (always based on your consent).

In addition, the following data can be requested for processing from people interviewed for our publications: personal characteristics; lifestyle; family composition; leisure activities and interests; consumption habits; education and training; religion.

For the purpose of a correct settlement of estates, interview reports are made and personal data are processed (First name; Middle name; Last name; Address; Zip code; City; Telephone number; Date of birth; E-mail address; Bank details). The will or a portion thereof is stored digitally in our secure system.

For an effective impact of our projects and programmes, Woord en Daad may additionally request the following data for processing from citizens in target countries (mostly outside the EU): financial details; physical data; membership (for instance of a farmer’s group); housing features; health-related data and data on religion and worldview. These data are not requested from donors.

Provision to third parties

We share your personal data only with third parties that contribute to the processing for which your data have been provided by you. With each of these parties we have concluded a processing agreement. We make the necessary arrangements with these parties (processors) to guarantee the protection of your personal data. The third party concerned will keep these data only as long as necessary for provision of their service. We will never share and/or sell the data you provided to other parties, unless required by law.


We only process personal data of minors (persons until 17 years, article 8 GDPR) with written consent of the parent(s), caregiver or legal representative. In that case, it is important that the parent(s) or guardian read(s) this statement. If you are a parent(s) or guardian, you can exercise the same rights with regard to the minor’s personal data as the adult data subject, such as the right to oppose the (further) processing of the minor’s personal data or the right to inspect and correct these data.

Retention period

Data of actively giving donors are kept for 15 years, partly for inspection by the Dutch tax authorities (Belastingdienst). Inactive donor data are kept for 10 years. This includes both personal data and special data such as bank details. Seven years after the last donation, personal data are deleted and only the IBAN number, donation history and year of birth are kept for analysis purposes and recognition if a donor donates again and is thus reactivated. If not desired, you may request deletion or anonymization. Data collected for interviews are collected for publication purposes only. These data are kept outside our client relation system (CRM). We keep some hard copies of all our publications.


We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized processing, including:

  • All persons who are able to consult your data on behalf of Woord en Daad are obliged to confidential treatment of these data;
  • We apply a user name and password policy to all our systems;
  • We encrypt personal data if there is a reason to do so;
  • We back-up personal data in order to be able to recover it in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
  • Our volunteers have been informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.

Rights concerning your data

You have the rights to access, rectify (in case of incomplete or incorrect data) and delete or anonymize the personal data that you sent us. You can also object to the processing of your personal data (or part of it) by us. You also have the right to have the personal data that you provided transferred by us to yourself, or by order of you directly to a third party. We can ask you to identify yourself before we can comply with the afore-mentioned requests.

Website – Cookies

Woord en Daad is working with cookies focused on analysis with respect to visitor behaviour and visitor demographics. These cookies are aimed at improving the website of Woord en Daad. The website gives information about the relevant cookies. Furthermore, permission is requested from the visitor concerned for the placing of cookies. The website will continue to function properly if cookies are not accepted, as in this case it does not concern functional cookies. In addition, links to our website are sometimes sent out via email or social media, often including UTM codes in the URL to track from where the customer originally found this page.

To make the use of our website as optimal as possible, we obtain information. In doing so, we use the following tools and programs:

Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is used to track the number of visitors to the Woord en Daad website. It also provides insight into how visitors use our website. Our Google Analytics account is set up as anonymous and privacy friendly as possible, so they do not share data with third parties and no traceable personal data is stored.


In addition to analyzing our web statistics, we also use a marketing automation tool. This tool allows us to send you relevant emails based on your preferences and behavior on the website. This allows us to provide an experience that suits you.


With this tool, we analyze how our visitors use the website and what user experience problems they encounter. By providing this insight, we can continually optimize the ease of use of the website for our visitors.


In order to offer you relevant ads on social media (Facebook and Instagram) and through Google Ads, we collect the behavior of our visitors on our website. For example, did you view a page for sponsoring a child? Then we are happy to then offer you relevant information and advertisements on the aforementioned social media or through Google search partners through Google Ads.

Should you wish to see more information about Google’s privacy policy, you can view Google’s privacy policy or Google Analytics’ privacy policy. In addition, you can use the opt-out regulation to exclude your browser from storing Google Analytics data.

Enabling and disabling or deleting cookies

Would you like to enable or disable cookies? Or would you like to change your settings? You can do this through your browser’s settings. You can choose to (de)activate the ‘do not track’ functionality in your browser. Important to mention here: If you reject (certain) cookies, you may not be able to use the functionalities of our website or not fully use them. More detailed information about cookie management for specific web browsers is explained on the pages below:
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer


Should you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly via:

Stichting Woord en Daad
Spijksedijk 16-E
4207 GN Gorinchem

Privacy Officer: Frieda Mooij

T: +31 (0)183 – 611 800
E: of

If we cannot reach a solution to your complaint that you are satisfied with, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch DPA (Data Protection Authority), the Dutch supervisory authority on privacy protection.