IATI | Open data
Woord en Daad connects people around the world in their fight against poverty. We are transparent about our work and how we use the funds entrusted us by our supporters. One way we do this is by publishing information about our work as open data, according to the IATI standard.
Annual Report
We look back at 2022 with great thankfulness, we are humbled by the strength of our local partners in the countries where we work, they literally stood beside the people in need. Right through all the suffering, 30,973 children gained access to education, 15,568 young people are able to dream of a future again and were (self-) employed, and 19,943 farmers managed to increase their harvests with smart techniques because they were trained. 7,597 households were reached with emergency relief. 280,095 people were reached with sustainable water. All partly thanks to your partnership.