Mission and vision


In a broken world full of poverty and injustice, Woord en Daad seeks to make the signs of God’s coming Kingdom visible. The Christian perspectives of justice and compassion motivate us each day to contribute to a sustainable change that benefits all people.


Woord en Daad connects people worldwide in their efforts to overcome poverty and to realize dignity for every individual.

Core values

Five core values can be derived from our mission, vision and strategy. These guide our choices at various levels and determine our policy. Our core values are:

  1. Co-responsibility – Responsible for yourself, your neighbour and Gods creation
  2. Fellow creature – Creature of God, equal and unique
  3. Compassion – Close to and alongside people who suffer
  4. Stewardship – Treating human beings, resources and the environment with care
  5. Interdependence – Independent in choices, dependent in collaboration